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English-German translation for: (Sauce) Velouté
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(Sauce) Velouté in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Sauce Velouté

Translation 1 - 55 of 55


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gastr. velouté(Sauce) Velouté {f} [auch: Sc. Velouté]
Partial Matches
gastr. sauceSauce {f}
gastr. Alfredo Sauce [also: alfredo sauce]Alfredo-Sauce {f}
gastr. bordelaise sauceBordelaiser Sauce {f}
gastr. Bordelaise sauceBordelaiser Sauce {f}
gastr. chantilly sauceChantilly-Sauce {f}
gastr. Geneva sauceGenfer Sauce {f}
gastr. hollandaiseholländische Sauce {f}
gastr. hollandaise (sauce)Holländische Sauce {f}
gastr. hollandaise sauceholländische Sauce {f}
gastr. sauce hollandaiseholländische Sauce {f}
gastr. Maltese sauceMalteser Sauce {f}
gastr. béarnaise sauceSauce béarnaise {f}
gastr. bolognaise (sauce) [Br.]Sauce bolognese {f}
gastr. bolognese (sauce)Sauce bolognese {f}
gastr. hollandaiseSauce hollandaise {f}
gastr. hollandaise sauceSauce hollandaise {f}
gastr. sauce hollandaiseSauce hollandaise {f}
gastr. (sauce) mousselineSauce mousseline {f}
gastr. ravigote sauceSauce ravigote {f}
gastr. tatar sauceSauce Tatar {f}
gastr. sauce vinaigretteSauce vinaigrette {f}
gastr. hot saucescharfe Sauce {f}
gastr. white sauceweiße Sauce {f}
FoodInd. gastr. barbecue sauce <BBQ sauce>Barbecuesauce {f} <BBQ-Sauce>
gastr. gravy [thickened]Sauce {f} [angedickte Bratensauce]
gastr. dipSauce {f} [zum Eintunken]
gastr. tartar sauceSauce tartare {f} [Tatarensauce]
gastr. Frankfurt green sauce [also: Frankfurter green sauce]Frankfurter grüne Sauce {f}
gastr. mornay sauceMornaysauce / Mornay-Sauce {f}
gastr. port wine fig saucePortwein-Feigen-Sauce {f}
gastr. Andalusian sauceAndalusische Sauce {f} [Sauce andalouse]
gastr. Allemande sauce [generally known and mistakenly called as sauce Parisienne]deutsche Sauce {f} [Sauce allemande]
gastr. Normande saucenormannische Sauce {f} [Sauce normande]
gastr. Normandy saucenormannische Sauce {f} [Sauce normande]
gastr. soubise (sauce)Sauce Soubise {f} [weiße Zwiebelsauce]
gastr. Swedish sauceSchwedische Sauce {f} [Sauce suédoise]
gastr. espagnole sauceSpanische Sauce {f} [Sc. Espagnole]
gastr. Tyrolean sauceTiroler Sauce {f} [Sauce tyrolienne]
gastr. sriracha (sauce)Sriracha-Sauce {f} [auch: Sriracha-Soße]
gastr. demi-glace (sauce) [highly concentrated reduced brown sauce](Sauce) Demiglace {f} [eine der braunen Grundsaucen]
gastr. green saucegrüne Sauce {f} [regional] [eine kalte Kräutersauce]
gastr. mopping sauceBarbecue-Sauce {f} [zum Bepinseln des Grillgutes, auch: Mopping-Sauce]
gastr. HP Sauce®HP Sauce® {f} [britische Würzsauce aus den Schoten des Tamarindenbaums]
gastr. mole (sauce) [molé]Mole-Sauce {f} [Name für verschied. Saucen der mexikan. Küche]
gastr. Bavarian sauceBayerische Sauce {f} [Sauce Bavaroise / Sc. Bavaroise]
gastr. divine sauceHimmlische Sauce {f} [Sauce divine / Sc. divine]
gastr. béarnaise sauceBéarner Sauce {f} <Béarner Sc.>
gastr. espagnole sauceSauce Espagnole {f} <Sc. Espagnole>
gastr. Maltaise sauceSauce Maltaise {f} <Sc. Maltaise>
gastr. mayonnaise sauceSauce Mayonnaise {f} <Sc. Mayonnaise>
gastr. mornay sauce [sauce Mornay]Sauce Mornay {f} <Sc. Mornay>
gastr. tartare sauceSauce Tartare {f} <Sc. Tartare>
gastr. [Béarnaise sauce] Sauce Bernaise / Bérnaise {f} [FALSCH für: Sauce béarnaise, Béarner Sauce]
gastr. rémoulade / remoulade sauceSauce Rémoulade / Remoulade {f} <Sc. Rémoulade, Sc. Remoulade>
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Zuletzt gesucht
Ähnliche Begriffe
saublöder Zufall
saubrutal werden (mit jdm.)
Sauce béarnaise
Sauce bolognese
(Sauce) Demiglace
Sauce Espagnole Sc. Espagnole
Sauce hollandaise
Sauce Maltaise Sc. Maltaise
Sauce Mornay Sc. Mornay
Sauce mousseline

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