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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: (River) Foyle
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(River) Foyle in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: River Foyle

Translation 1 - 36 of 36


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geogr. River Foyle [Irish: An Feabhal](River) Foyle {m}
Partial Matches
geogr. Lough Foyle [Irish: Loch Feabhail]Lough Foyle {m}
geogr. River Barrow(River) Barrow {m}
geogr. Hudson (River)Hudson {m} (River)
geogr. Illinois RiverIllinois River {m}
geogr. Kaw River [Kansas River]Kansas-River {m}
geogr. River Lagan [Northern Ireland]Lagan (River) {m}
geogr. Mackenzie RiverMackenzie River {m}
geogr. Murray RiverMurray River {m}
geogr. Savannah RiverSavannah River {m}
geogr. Tuolumne RiverTuolumne River {m}
geogr. hydro. the Vic [coll.] [short for: Victory River, Australia]Victoria River {m}
geogr. Yukon RiverYukon River {m}
games river [cards]River-Karte {f} [Poker]
geogr. (River) Great Ouse(River) Great Ouse {m}
Principality of Hutt RiverFürstentum {n} Hutt River
geol. Gemsbock River Formation [Namibia]Gemsbock-River-Formation {f}
geol. hist. Green River FormationGreen-River-Formation {f}
geol. Hay River Formation [Canada: Northwest Territories]Hay-River-Formation {f}
geol. Judith River FormationJudith-River-Formation {f}
geol. Nation River Formation [Alaska]Nation-River-Formation {f}
geol. Red River Formation [North Dakota]Red-River-Formation {f}
med. Ross River feverRoss-River-Fieber {n}
geol. Wind River Formation [Wyoming]Wind-River-Formation {f}
zool. T
fish T
fish T
zool. T
fish T
med. Haw River syndrome <HRS>Haw-River-Syndrom {n} [dentatorubropallidoluysische Atrophie]
lit. F The Hothouse by the East River [Muriel Spark]Das Treibhaus am East River
lit. F Last Night in Twisted River [John Irving]Letzte Nacht in Twisted River
film F River of Death [Steve Carver]River of Death - Fluss des Grauens
hist. (Second) Battle of MurfreesboroSchlacht {f} vom Stones River [Schlacht von Murfreesboro]
hist. Battle of Stones RiverSchlacht {f} vom Stones River [Schlacht von Murfreesboro]
film F Red River [Howard Hawks, Arthur Rosson]Red River / [früher:] Panik am roten Fluß
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